August 15, 2005

some of my beautiful family.

this pict was taken sunday night after the funeral. most everyone had left at this point, but the few insane ones stayed up a little later to help papaw thru his evening.

front row: sitting is sam his and his lovely pregnant wife heather is kneeling next to him.
second row: is me and i am holding alyssa moses my second cousin mer is holding her sister makenna.
third row(ish) is papaw the most amazing person on earth. behind him is grant and his wife (my cousin) deborah. then lydia then angie then rebecca then aunt carla then mommy and then aunt marita.
the last row is daddy and stephen and kevin (angie is his wife) we don't like him cause he is divorcing angie. angie and kevin are makenna and alyssas parents. deborah, lydia, rebecca and sam are all brothers and sisters and aunt marita is their mother. so those are a few of my wonderful family members. i love them to death and miss them so much more.

i would draw a family tree, but it would be too complicated and big....maybe i could get someone to take a picture of a tree i draw! that would be fun!!

Posted by hill at August 15, 2005 11:14 PM

It's weird how the girl right behind Mer looks more like her sister than you do. And the girl right behind Papaw looks more like your sister than Mer.

Posted by: timf at August 16, 2005 11:19 AM
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