August 07, 2005

amazing grace

yesterday afternoon was the viewing for MaMa. the family arrived around 4:00. i think it was the hardest thing i have ever done. forcing myself to walk to the front of the room and look at my MaMa's shell. it took me about an hour to screw up the courage to do it, but i was so glad i did. she was beautiful. she no longer had congestive heart failure, diabetes, parkensens, dementia, penumonia, or anything else. she was in heaven in her glorified body with no pain or no restrictions. it was a slightly confusing situation though. seeing all the family there together (which we all haven't been together since my cousin mark's funeral in '98) i was so happy, but so sad at the same time. but the joy was there. the joy that MaMa was at peace at last. it was amazing to watch Christians greve when they saw her, but then smile and rejoice after the short period of tears. today we head into the funeral. i don't think it will be easy. PaPa looked so lost yesterday. he said to me, "I married my sister, my best friend, and my cousin! You can't get any closer than that!" he is from West Virginia. =) pray for my PaPa. he has spent the last 20 years taking care of MaMa, and i don't know how he will manage. as soon as i can, i want to put pictures of them up...but until then, look at MaMa's obituary...quite a tribute to an amazingly wonderful woman. she is the second woman. Corda Irene Perry. I love you MaMa and will miss you so much.

Posted by hill at August 7, 2005 08:18 AM

I've got a big hug waiting for you..get home safe. love you

Posted by: gwen at August 7, 2005 11:35 PM

wow, hill, that is quite a tribute. she was indeed beautiful--and now, by faith in God's word we know she IS "beautified." thanks for sharing this with us!

Posted by: jen d at August 8, 2005 01:31 PM
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