March 16, 2005

daddy's baby girl.

Why is it every time I read a book or watch a movie that has something about a father/daughter situation I get all choked up? I watched the dumbest movie on Friday. I am not even going to admit to which movie it was cause it was that dumb. But a scene in the movie was about the girl going off to college for the first time and it came time to say goodbye to her dad. I just got all choked up. It made me start thinking about my daddy and what is so special about our relationship.

Ever since I can remember, my daddy has been my favoritest toy. We didn't have any money for expensive toys so daddy would come home from work and play with us. My personal favorite was "Wheee". Daddy would lie down on the floor and he would be our jungle gym. Merideth and I would climb all over him, he would throw us in the air, put us on his shoulders and I always felt like I was on the top of the world then. He would also play "Bogey Man", "You missed", we would put on plays...My favorite play we did was Burrito Bandito. Daddy was the Bandito, and I can't remember what Mer and I were. But we had an elaborate set. When the Burrito Bandito finally got put in jail, it was a sate-of-the-art jail cell. I think it was a table box. Just big enough to get into. He painted it, cut bars on for the windows and everything.

Another favorite memory I have of daddy is the elaborate blanket caves we would make. They would take up the whole living room. The tv would be in one "room" lights everywhere and tunnels connecting everything. At Christmas the tree would be in one corner and we would spend the night in the blanket cave looking at the Christmas lights. I remember sitting on his lap one time looking at the Christmas tree and he told me to squint my eyes, cause when I did that they looked like stars. I still do that.

At every birthday he sits me on his lap (since I am a leeeetle heavier than I used to be when I was little I sit next to him now!) and tells me about when I was born. What his feelings were seeing this little squalling red baby. It always gets me.

In high school he worked in New York. He would be gone all week and come home on the weekends. I would get so scared his plane would crash sometimes and that I would never see him again. I would keep a picture of him in my room and sometimes sleep in his shirts so I would feel closer to him.

I remember the first time I was really away from home. College. Traveling 500 miles away from home going to a place, yes I was familiar with, but had no friends. I was so scared. I was fine when I said goodbye to Mom, but when I got to Daddy, I lost it. I missed him so much.

Mom, Daddy and Drew would come down for Bible Conference every year. My freshman year I remember getting a call from the front desk saying that there was someone waiting in the lobby to see me. I heard his voice from the top of the stairs and immediately started crying. I was so happy!

My Daddy is the most selfless man I know. He is always ready to give of his time, money, love, attention to us. He works so hard and sometimes gets discouraged, but he does it so that my family can be happy and safe. He moved 500 miles away from everything just so I would have a place to live off campus cause I was sick. He wanted me to be close. And so he moved.

He loves the Lord so much and is always teaching me, patiently. I can just watch him and learn so much by his actions. I know he isn't perfect, but I love him so much and someday, I hope I can be like him. I had better stop before I start crying! =)

Posted by hill at March 16, 2005 03:04 PM

I can completely relate to your admiration for your dad. Whenever I hear that verse about "if ye being evil know how to give good gifts to your children . . ." I always feel awed. To think that God loves me even more than my parents do!!??
And I think I saw that incredibly lame movie - would it happen to be "In Good Company"? What complete waste of time/money!=)

Posted by: Shanna at March 16, 2005 07:45 PM
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