January 06, 2005

today is my favorite kind of day.

i love rainy days. right now i am sitting in "my" office looking out the window wishing that i was running out there stomping in the puddles. today is the perfectest day cause they are thoughtful days. (not to side track here, but who in the world thought of spelling thought with a g??? i would hate to be a foreigner trying to learn english. even foreigner. forener. that is how i would spell it. but i am not the world's best speller as heidi and gwen would tell you. i spell envelope, envalope. it makes more sense that way.) i love days were i can sit with a book in my nice warm living room with the door open so i can hear the river and the rain, all snuggled up in a blanket. and a cup of tea. sometimes i like just sitting and watching the rain fall down. sometimes i like laying on my back in the rain and feeling it on my face. i wish i had a green raincoat. a slicker with a hood, and blue paisley on the inside. with red rubber boots to splash in. i wonder what a raindrop thinks when it is falling to the ground. is that weird? ok it is, but think of it. if you were a raindrop, it would be the beginning of your life. you would fall to the earth, and if you were lucky, you would fall on the grass and turn into grass or flower or tree food. ok. i will stop. rain always makes me think of green. maybe that is why i like rainy days. i love the really fine misty stuff that feels like hundreds of tiny kisses on your face. and it is just cool enough to be very refreshing. or the really big wet drops that you can dodge. those are fun too. cause normally it is really warm outside when those come, and you can run outside barefoot.

so moral of the story (other than it has been seven days now that i have made my bed and have kept my room in perfect order) is, don't be gloomy on rainy days. they are so very beautiful.

Posted by hill at January 6, 2005 01:42 PM


we're getting a white out snow up here so that means i'm in the mood for figuriong out the best way to get a one year work visa into turkey and set up a plan for getting a group of people over there to covertly start a church. i had clam chowder for lunch.

Posted by: timf at January 6, 2005 02:43 PM

ok tim. just rub it in. it was 73 yesterday and gwen wore sleeveless. i wish i could go sledding!!!

and tim, i am so glad it was a white snow...instead of the other kind.

Posted by: hill at January 6, 2005 03:31 PM
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