December 28, 2004

christmas 2004

my wonderful family...jothan, joel, james, g-maw and james, chloe, kara, randy, and jothan again.

ok, so our family is a little unconventional...and brian is picking up on it....a little sample.

aunt kathy, aunt marge, mom and aunt kris

uncle john

uncle jim

...and brian...

again, a little on the odd side, but this was the first thing that brian saw when he walked into g-maw and g-paw's house, an iraqi christmas.

mom and dad...

uncle jim and aunt marge

uncle john and aunt kris

and christmas wouldn't be complete w/out chi, aka "wonder dog"

grandma and grandpa kept up the festive spirit as well...

we had a wonderful time this christmas. we were missing randy's wife mariah and shawn and his wife kerri. my cousin joel is in boot camp, and will be in iraq in a year, so it was wonderful to have some time with him. we ate way too much and played so much euchre and had a marvy-fab time!

Posted by hill at December 28, 2004 09:21 PM
Comments are fixed and I hope I got them with the right names.

to think...i might have been there...looks like you all had a ton of fun.

if i were brian, i would do something horrible to you for posting that pic.

and hello james...i think we need to have the next family reunion in greenville hill

Posted by: gwen at December 29, 2004 12:59 PM

Such an abundance of red clothes! Did you ahve them 'specially made? You know, Brian Pinner...well, what can I say? i've met him a couple of times via German FunTimes, and I could never have imagined that pose on his face, and I'm glad to see it. very nice.

Posted by: jen d at December 29, 2004 01:11 PM

oh and nice sweatshirt ;-)

Posted by: gwen at December 29, 2004 06:14 PM

I LOVE your pics! they are great-Brian looks hilarious and I would have to agree with gwen. ;) What a unique fam-looks likes lots of crazy fun and I can see where you get it from. :) Grandma and grandpa look adorable!!

Posted by: michelle at January 3, 2005 09:03 PM
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