October 15, 2004

yawn-y day

i can't quit yawning. i got enough sleep last night. arrrrrrrg. it must be the perfect weather. i want to go find a hammock right next to a random corn field and go to sleep listening to the stalks rustle in the wind. on a side note, have you ever heard a rain storm approach across a corn field? amazing. dad and i heard one once, a huge storm coming towards us. and you could hear the sheet of rain moving across the field, getting louder and louder, like a big wall. it was incredible.

i should go find a pumpkin and carve it.

Posted by hill at October 15, 2004 11:47 AM

yes. and have you ever seen those tiny mini-tornadoes of corn husks on a sunny, windy day? you can run out in the middle of them and they are so brief and fabulous.

Posted by: joy at October 15, 2004 12:16 PM

i'm gonna go find a pumpkin and carve a big ol' "203 days till i graduate" in it.


ok. big breath.

Posted by: gwen at October 15, 2004 02:24 PM

Gwen you so need to do it. Next Friday. BYOP. 8:30. Teen House. BYOP. (I just love typing BYOP.)

Posted by: heidi at October 18, 2004 10:39 PM
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