October 01, 2004

so sad.

when i get my paycheck lots of things happen. first i deposit it. then i go to the mall. i always go to stores that i can't afford and pooh-pooh the prices and say to myself "i am so much better than these expensive clothes." that way i am not tempted to buy anything. i try on lots of things, looking at this, acting like i have my whole paycheck to blow. acting like i have a jaguar, with a 4000 sq foot house, three servants, and a great dane. then i leave the store in a cloud of distain, in my clothes from walmart/khols, and drive away in my 1995 winstar van that dies when you press the gas and turn the wheel, that we use for a pickup truck.

then i go to school, and pay my school bill. all my money is gone within the hour. but i save just enough to do my very favorite thing. aussie burger is the delight unto my stomach. =) i went there for dinner last night, i am going there for lunch today. so that is how i treat myself. an aussie burger. it is absolutely amazing.

Posted by hill at October 1, 2004 10:15 AM

First problem.. going to the mall.. ha ha ha at least that's what I just learned in my finance class.. never go shopping for fun.. have a purpose behind every time you go.. have a specific item in mind.. go get it and get out. I know it sounds like such a manly philosophy.. go! kill! drag!.. but it will save tons of time and money... which are both things that I personly through away too easily.. I'm determined to become a more organized person... I started with my room this past week and everything is organized and put away in a place.. I have about ten boxed that have helped me accomplish this everything from bible notes to notes from girls to art endevors.. to baseballcards.. all pu away in their perfect box.. next step is to budget... (I never thought I'd hear my self say that!) Yep once I get a steady job.. I'm going to budget.. everything!! :) it's gonna be so much fun!

Posted by: e at October 1, 2004 12:10 PM

yea it'll be reeeeeeall nice to be free from debt some day. hopefully by the time i get out of debt ill have learned the lessons needed to stay out of debt. thankfully my Father's pockets run deeper than my debts.

Posted by: davew at October 1, 2004 12:41 PM

Food = instant pleasure. But I've never had an Aussie burger. Will try sometime.

Posted by: sligh at October 1, 2004 05:22 PM


you poor deprived being

you must try one

Posted by: gwen at October 2, 2004 01:24 AM

An Aussie burger sounds yummy right now. What makes it so delicious? I need to try one the next time in Greenville. As for shopping, I enjoy just looking and seeing what's in. Then I wait until the end of the season to get stuff on clearance; I always shop in the back of the store. But I understand about being low on $$. Kind of makes it hard to buy whatever I want. :)

Posted by: Meg at October 2, 2004 02:48 PM

i've got a boxer you can have. he's sleeping next to me as I write this, and he just broke wind in my direction. charming, right? even so, he's a better roommate than others I have known. ;) he's the poor woman's great dane. regal--no. but he's BIG. it's a start anyway.

Posted by: hansen at October 4, 2004 10:59 AM
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