September 24, 2004

hill strikes again.

it happened at carolina coffee roasters. we were celebrating mom's birthday there after church on wednesday. we walk in and look around for a place to sit before we order. i notice about five guys from ole' bj-hue there sitting at a couple of tables and several people from the outside. one guy i knew and turned to say hello, but i kept walking and walked right into the "today's special" sign. it flipped over and i reached out to grab it (this looked like a windmill that is very helter-skelter and broken. it kinda looked like someone running after a ping pong ball that is rolling on the floor....rather humorous.) but it smacked on the floor. that wasn't the embarrassing part tho. remember that most of the people in the coffee place are guys right?? my mom speaks up in a loud voice "everyone, this is hillary hoagland!" some little whipper-snapper of a froshy speaks up, "oh, don't be embarrassed, it has happened several times already!" i gave him a withering look and said, "i do so many stupid things in my life that i have ceased to become embarrassed." and walked away.

i had to confess my sin of lying that night.

Posted by hill at September 24, 2004 12:16 PM

lol. hill you are way too funny. thanks for the story and the laugh.

question. what is a "whipper-snapper of a froshy"? I am unfamiliar with that term. :)

Posted by: tom at September 24, 2004 02:44 PM

it is some freshman that is still wet behind the ears and homesick for mama. =)

Posted by: hill at September 24, 2004 02:58 PM

quite funny. at moments like that, i try act perfectly calm and refrain from looking around.

Posted by: sligh at September 26, 2004 01:35 AM
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