September 24, 2004

war of the paper towels.

i won. can i establish that right up front? thank you.

daddy and i got into a spontaneous fight the other night. it started with him. he is always the trouble maker. so anyway there i was all innocent sitting on the kitchen floor over by my windows eating dinner. it was kinda late. everyone else was in bed, dreaming the night away, when all of a sudden, a potato jumped off my plate and onto the floor.

i like my potato with lotsa butter. so it was just lathered up. i mean there is so much i could just feel my arteries clogging. so when it jumped off my plate it left a smear of butter across the floor. i thought, well that isn't nice, so i asked daddy for a paper towel. he threw the whole roll at me. but he was hold the end so when he threw it at me it unraveled almost all the way. i tore off what i needed and then held the end while he rolled it up. (can i insert again that i am totally innocent here??)

it was going beautifully. it was rolling pretty well, but i knew if we held it a little tighter it would roll faster. so i told daddy to hold it tighter. he did. but he pulled too tight and ripped the paper towels in half. that didn't make him too happy. so here is what happened.

he went to the kitchen sink and said "you need to get that yucky smear of butter of my nice, clean floor, yo" (well maybe not that exactly...) then he threw the wet paper towel at my head. i swiftly ducked and he missed. well, that started the war.

this is hang on. our counters in the kitchen are shaped like a "u". it is open with cabinets suspended from the ceiling on just one side. well daddy went down on his knees on one side of the "u" and i got on the other. i missed a few times, but it was so much fun. it was like giant spitballs. i threw one at daddy and it hit him in the shoulder and stuck there. the best was when i hit the wall behind him (i didn't miss...i was aiming there.) it just stuck there for a long time. then slid down the wall. the wall looked terrible and there was water everywhere. daddy was wet, but i was dry! =) i figured it is cause he is old. i can move pretty fast. poor daddy.

he only got me once and that was in the armpit. i don't know how he got it there, but it hit home. but i walked away victorious...until the next war.

Posted by hill at September 24, 2004 12:03 PM
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