August 31, 2004

i never knew

i was reading last night in my companion to narnia book and found the most interesting thing that i never knew.

in the magician's nephew polly makes the comment about uncle andrew "maybe he keeps a mad wife shut up there." the book pointed out that that is a literary reference to jane eyre and the mad wife that rochester keeps locked up on the third floor. how cool is that???!!

i am learning so much from that book. it is really worth your time.

Posted by hill at August 31, 2004 09:50 AM

what book is this? I'm so glad I don't have a third floor for that very reason...

Posted by: gouge at September 1, 2004 03:22 PM

Hey, Hillary. Not sure if you remember me from Mrs. Pundys' S&V Skills. That was a weird class and whenever I hear about someone in that class I picture Mrs. P writing their name in [IPA] on the board. I also have a vivid memory of the day we had class in the FMA and you jumped off the stage in a full length skirt. I was roughing it this summer in Greenville and came across your little piece of the www. Not sure what this says about me but I found it entertaining. "Companion to Narnia" is a good book. My favorite entry is the Biblical allusions; I think my binding is broken at that part. Keep up the good work but behave yourself.

Posted by: Jonathan Dickert at September 1, 2004 03:33 PM're afraid you might find yourself storing mad wives up there?....

Posted by: gwen at September 1, 2004 05:53 PM

jonathan: i will have to look you up in vintage. i am horrid with names/faces. i know your name, but getting the right face is the kicker. =)

gwen: good point.

dave: so how many wives do you have now?

Posted by: hill at September 2, 2004 01:58 PM
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