December 13, 2003

a tribute of sorts...

mr dave buck.

owner of the farm for harvest rally.
servant of God.
humble, kind, giving, hard working.

was required that he meet his Lord yesterday.
he is now rejoicing in the presence of God.

his wife is left behind to be a testimony.
pray for the family,
pray for the friends,
pray for harvest rally,
pray for souls to be won.

the funural is tuesday at 10:00, connersville, indiana.
some of the kids from the church are going to try and make it home for the viewing and funeral.
pray they can.
pray for safety.

Posted by hill at December 13, 2003 02:06 PM

there are four guys and one girl going to indiana. they leave tomorrow after five (my boyfriend is driving the whole way there) and drive back to sout carolina on tuesday after the funeral. pray for safety on the roads. i don't know the weather condition or how late they will be getting in.

Posted by: hill at December 14, 2003 10:34 PM

Associated Press article link:

Posted by: joy at December 19, 2003 09:33 AM
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