December 08, 2003

dandelion wine

crossing the lawn that morning, douglas spaulding broke a spider web with his face. a single invisible line on the air touched heis brow and snapped without a sound.

so, with the subtlest of incidents, he knew that this day was going to be different. it would be different also, because, as his father explained, driving douglas and his ten-year-old brother tom out of town toward the country, nothing but the world blowing in one nostril and out the other. and some days, he went on, were days of hearing every trump and trill of the universe. some days were good for all the senses at once. this day, now, he nodded, smelled as if a great and nameless orchard had grown up overnight beyond the hills to fill the entire visible land with its warm freshness. the air felt like rain, but there were no clouds. momentarily, a stranger might laugh off in the woods, but there was silence...

Posted by hill at December 8, 2003 07:13 PM

have you read the whole book?
it's been on my list of "want to reads."
how is it?

Posted by: steph at December 13, 2003 12:01 PM

steph, i have a book of short stories that he wrote and three chapters from dandelion wine are in there. it is on my list of must-reads as well! maybe over christmas.

Posted by: hill at December 13, 2003 01:59 PM

shall we?
we could talk/write about it that way...

and how are his short stories?

Posted by: steph at December 14, 2003 01:11 PM

very good. i have the book if you would like to borrow it over christmas as well. just let me know.

Posted by: hill at December 14, 2003 07:43 PM
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