September 04, 2003

ben's drop scratch biscuts

don't try this at home kids.....

Ben's Drop Scratch Biscuits

2 containers of blue PlayDoh brand play dough
2 cups of McCormick Cloves
3 tablespoons of malt vinegar
1 bottle of Hershey's Chocolate Syrup
5 leveled tablespoons of "Authentic New Jersey scratch"
3/4 cup of packed brown sugar

Combine PlayDoh, cloves, vinegar, sugar and scratch into mixing bowl.
Knead until the consistency of wet PlayDoh with cloves. Stir in chocolate
syrup in increments until completely incorporated.

Drop bowl on floor. Gather ingredients onto greased baking sheet.
Wrap in tin foil and put in microwave for 3 months on high.

Yield: 2

Posted by hill at September 4, 2003 11:29 AM

i am confused.

Posted by: dan at September 4, 2003 11:44 AM

And well you should be.

Posted by: Kammer at September 4, 2003 01:50 PM

i wasn't confused! i thought it was a good recipie. well blah on you both then. i was going to try it! =)

Posted by: hill at September 4, 2003 03:41 PM

i'm not at all confused, considering the sources. i am merely curious.

how do 3-month-baked blue biscuits taste? they sound a bit salty to me.

and what the cow is "scratch?"

Posted by: joy at September 5, 2003 12:05 AM

They're very light. They actually go
well with a nice Brie. Great for hors douerves
since they're quite sturdy.

And the scratch....It's great, isn't it?

Posted by: Kammer at September 5, 2003 06:47 AM

my guesses...
scratch is:
1) yeast (cultured in a New Jersey petri dish)
2) Coca Cola (you can use that for anything)
3) wookie fur (or maybe just the dandruff)

Posted by: joy at September 5, 2003 10:00 AM

No, no. Your missing the point of the "scratch"
It not only adds "tooth" to the dough, but it adds
character, the defining attribute of the pastry.

And the wookie fur has to not only be authentic, but it has to come from the clan of Wookie that lives near Harvey Cedars, they have a smooth and glossy coat, the hue of plumber's putty.
You can't use either the industrial park Walnut Wookie or the Camden Black Wookie.

It's best to grab the fur from the lower back, it's coarser. They'll have to be distracted, like when they're calibrating their crossbow-phaser, or bending over to pick up a daisy. Never try to reason/barter with a wookie, they'll turn into a hurricane of fists and fur.

Hope this helps.

Posted by: Kammer at September 5, 2003 12:15 PM

If this scratch has anything to do with llamas and dolly nodes, or if it's a fun type of embroidery done on gingham fabric, I would like to know just how hot your oven is and how near you've been holding your head to the door.

Posted by: joy at September 5, 2003 12:54 PM

llamas! yes, they have an interesting connections right now. eh ben? =)

Posted by: hill at September 8, 2003 01:33 PM
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