August 30, 2003

the last times

this morning i cooked for the last time at my house. i walked out to the barn for the last time. played in the garden for the last time.

tonight will be my last night to sleep in my room, in my house. my last shower tomorrow morning (at the house guys! not forever!), my last breakfast in my kitchen in the morning.

i have lived in this house for nine years. a lot has gone by in that time. will i cry? probably. most likely. i hate it, but i probably will.

and then the harder last goodbyes. my grandparents. my aunts and uncles. in saying goodbye last night and earlier last week i look at these faces i love and wonder if i will ever see them again. if they ever come to this website, i want my family to all know how much i love them and will miss them. we have never been this far away before, and now that we are leaving i start to appreciate what i have. it is like graduation. you never know really how much the school has done for you until you are out and then it hits you how much it ment to you.

i know i will miss my grandma hoagland's cooking. =) she has this killer chop souey recipie. she gave it to me, but who knows if i will ever get it right! grandmas have some kind of magic in their fingers. and my grandpa's cooking too. cause i don't think grandma could do all the cooking w/o grandpa right there. i love you both!

maybe i better stop now so i can stop crying. starting already. how dumb.

Posted by hill at August 30, 2003 04:24 PM

nah. go ahead and cry while you can.
you are correct that it won't be the same, and you are wise to take note and remember and appreciate. and it'll be ok. it's not fun or ok now, but it will be ok.
we're all made for change. we hate change because it means we're out of control, but we're so made for it.
enjoy your lasts.
and your firsts.
the cry won't be your first or your last, but it will be ok.

Posted by: joy at August 31, 2003 01:43 AM

yeah but the headache after is horrid! ;)

Posted by: hill at August 31, 2003 08:30 AM

always remember that 'time wounds all heels' or
maybe it is, 'time heals all wounds', yes, that's
it. about a hundred years ago, i had a supervisor. He had only been able to attend
school for 7 total years.
we gave him 4 college graduates to
train to be foremen. he was extra special in handling people. however, he had to tell one of his trainees,
"you will make a wonderful supervisor if you don't let your ed-u-mi-cation get in your way."

Posted by: Farmer Brown at August 31, 2003 11:04 AM

i love you grandpa and i will remember that about the heels! =)

Posted by: hill at September 2, 2003 02:59 PM

That's really sad. But I guess I always figured you for a cry-baby. Oh yeah, forget all that last time stuff. When is the first time your going to cook for me. Are you afraid you are never going to be able to cook again? I promise to let you cook for me as often as you like. Just so long as you're not crying or anything.

Posted by: Man Hands at September 4, 2003 11:29 AM

whatever "man hands." like i will do any cooking for you!

Posted by: hill at September 4, 2003 11:47 AM

well, well, well. i wonder if ManHands would be so eager to sample your cooking if he had taken a look-see at that recipe you posted on September 4th. to each his own, lid for every pot, and so on. i will eat my regular old english muffins with strawberry jam any day, and y'all can pig out on the blue salt-biscuits.

Posted by: joy at September 5, 2003 12:08 AM
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