December 13, 2004

Thunderbird 1.0 released

Thunderbird 1.0 was released recently (I'm not sure when, I just found out yesterday). The biggest change (that I'm aware of) since 0.9 is the addition of an RSS news reader.

Firfox 1.0 has the same sort of feature via their Live Bookmarks technology. While Firefox's RSS integration is nice in some respects, I think Thunderbird's mail like approach will improve the usability to the point of making it a more frequent part of my life.

If you haven't tried Thunderbird yet, now would be a great time to switch from other virus prone e-mail readers (read "Outlook"). Thunderbird 1.0 has improved migration tools that should make the switch even easier.

Posted by TheIdeaMan at December 13, 2004 11:07 AM | TrackBack

Is it petty of me to have had a moment of satisfaction since I knew about this before you?

Yes. I am ashamed.
Anyway, I was expecting an announcement from you post-haste, that's why I didn't say anything.

Posted by: micah at December 13, 2004 03:59 PM

You should have. :) Don't worry about being glad you beat me too it. I've been rather lax with this whole blogging thing. I'm getting tired of my own "this just came out" entries. I'm afraid I've turned my blog into a news service and there's very little about me. To make matters worse, most of the people who read my blog don't care to much about things like WACT's new release. :) I suppose I need to decide why I blog and then what to blog about will follow. We'll see.

Posted by: Benjamin at December 14, 2004 10:58 AM

I always read your entries whether I understand them or not. I enjoy hearing about what you think is exciting. But lately the not understanding has been pretty high.

It would be nice to hear more from you personally. Think outside of the box. I am trying to come up with a purpose statement of sorts too. I never really thought about the blog as a tool, just something to do for fun. But I was thinking if I am going to do everything for God's glory, I should know why I do what I do.

I think we need some more Ubertati too. I miss her unique perspective. She always makes me think deeply.

Posted by: micah at December 14, 2004 04:54 PM
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