December 02, 2004

XML fundamentals checklist

A "checklist" of XML fundamentals has been created by David Stephenson of HP. It looks to be a good overall view of XML and the core related technologies.

I haven't read the whole thing through, but what I did read (mainly the part on URI's, URL's, and URN's) helped clarify some things I've been fussy on for a while, but haven't had the time to dig through all the docs out there to learn what I needed. Mr. Stephenson sums it up rather succinctly.

If you're interested in XML (et al), I would suggest using this as one of your starting points. It's not exaustive, but it's got the basics on more than just XML.

Posted by TheIdeaMan at December 2, 2004 08:43 AM | TrackBack
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