June 15, 2004


More words. Looking for a synonym of “love potion”? You’re at the right place. Or, in case you’ve been looking for a word to describe those people who “find the will of God” by randomly selecting Bible verses, this is your lucky day. If you need the word to describe your technophobic boss, I’ve got one for you. And if you want to learn of customs that are weird...no--customs that are frighteningly bizarre...you’ll like the last one.

verbiggeration: obsessive repetition of meaningless words and phrases, esp. due to mental illness
Luddite: 1. Any of a group of British workers who between 1811 and 1816 rioted and destroyed laborsaving textile machinery that they thought would diminish employment. 2. One who opposes technical or technological change
rhapsodomancy: the seeking of guidance through the chance selection of a passage in literature
philter: a love potion
uxoricide: the murder of one’s wife
couvade: a practice in certain cultures in which the husband of a woman in labor takes to his bed as though he were bearing the child

Posted by jonsligh at June 15, 2004 01:32 PM

Rhapsodomancy.. so that's what it's called. It always seems to be pretty prominent in sermon illustrations on knowing God's will.

Posted by: sam at June 16, 2004 10:39 AM
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