November 12, 2006


God is good. I LOVE my church. It is so cool to be a part of a body of believers that loves God and each other as we seek to glorify God and make disciples.

Tonight we saw God work through church discipline. This is church discipline as it should be. The ultimate goal is for God to receive the glory for a restored life. About two years ago we had a man leave our church and his wife to pursue a selfish life in the world. After being approached by several people, he was not repentant of what he was doing. He was taken before our board of elders and still was not repentant. Our elders then had a "family chat" where this man was given over to the world. The elders made it clear that we were to love him, pray for him, but treat him as an unbeliever. The intent is not to shun him, but don't treat him like everything is just fine and you are ok with his life-style.
Two months ago, God started working on his heart convicting him of his sin and unrepentance. The Lord led him to start talking to a couple men in our church who had staying in close contact with him. A few days ago he asked his wife for forgiveness and they were reunited. Then last night after a couple of months of counseling he came before the church in a repentant spirit asking for forgiveness. God is SO good! A life restored, a family put together again, wounds starting to mend, and God glorified for His awesome deeds!!!

Posted by tomglass at November 12, 2006 11:52 PM