October 14, 2004

shopping for yourself

It is sometimes hard to find just the right gift for a special occasion. That's why I tend to go with food. Specifically chocolate. Everyone loves it. It doesn't sit around in someone's closet and collect dust. It doesn't wilt.

Last night I made a quick run to the local fresh market to pick up a chocolate something as a gift for a friend.

A display table greeted me as I entered the door and offered me a delightful collection of chocolate covered animal crackers in a crystal box. Naturally I accepted and brought the little choco-critters to the cashier. She made the adoption complete and I walked them to the car. Each of them behaved so well in their plastic carrying cage. But they looked so forlorn and I knew they needed attention. I think the car made them restless because soon the tigers were chipping their nails on the lid and the weaker animals were shedding their cocoa coats in fear as the stronger animals pushed them to the bottom of the clear container. So I set them free. And they were so good! Really, chocolate covered animal crackers are the best thing since sliced bread!

So I am off to the store again. This time for something with an opaque container. And maybe for some more zoological confections :-)

Posted by timf at October 14, 2004 01:09 PM

so what are you going to get me now that you ate my gift?

i think that's the funniest thing ever.

and don't forget hillary's going too....

Posted by: your gift-less artist series date at October 14, 2004 03:18 PM

Well, now that you mention chocolate....my next speech (informative) just happens to be on chocolate! One of my favorite subjects as evidenced by the extra-chocolate drawer in the kitchen!

Posted by: eMom at October 14, 2004 05:05 PM

The chocolate covered animal crackers sound delightful. Would the crystal box fit in say a Christmas stocking?

Posted by: French's Lane at October 17, 2004 01:19 PM
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