January 03, 2014

1113. Appropriate Bones

(work in progress; hoping to make a piece here. nlb)

A nose {rebuilt} by choice from
a {broken} / healed {crooked} friends {facing}
{Bonsai} sight reduction / lines in
bark limbs grown small / leaves {leaven}
Call {Fredric} more: / {cultured}
{canines} numbering {dentists} {charting} / life spans
Delivered up through {women} {willing} / {waking}
devotion to skeletons {growing} / {earthy}
[Excruciating] news {baring} / peace
elusive elegant {eager} {end-stop}— / {em-dash}—
Following bones born grown / {growing}
fast or slow as [metabolisms] go /
{Geldings} shaped in {meadows} {brushes} {halters} /
glistening coats combed {along} {withers} /
Haste and lose bones {rhythm} connecting ligaments /
held in place their {systems} blood {honor} /
{Influx} of grace time ticked /
in {seconds} spent however one will spend /
{Judgment} of tasks to do or want supplying

just as much as world could hall: a way
Kites fly, and just in time the year, their climb
kiss atmosphere when {only} breeze will say

Long live your bones, crossed wing thing, fly your

lines in sand while salt is most used

for {keeping} pure the crabs, their {season} {milling}

'round the moon {bunking} with stars {Nodding}
{heirless} {above} and, {airless}, {below} {nighttime}
{holding} five points, times however {Open}

their palms {resting} face down snug
{ocean} / bed for more than they will grow
{Patient} / primitive {pesky} punctual or {punctured}
{people} / {primates} {upright} {walking}
{Quiet} / quick {stumbling} {maybe}, {walking}
{questions} through / {out-feet} {tasting} brands
Relentles {wrapper} / {fastened} {secure} as {needed}
root to grow / Bones each foot
<Solitary> {placement} / side by side {racing}
sight lines salt mines {moonshines} / disruptive star
Tracks in pottery / primitive jugs
{telling} {deeper} {forests} to / shush shush
{Unless} it wants {many} / boots through {makers} {passing}
{unused} {conscience} / {being} bright as light
Varying not one / shade woods {storming} still
[variegated] / leaves plants abandoned stare
Will / What gross through bones
whisked / {away} at {runner's} pace to fields vaults

Posted by nancy at January 3, 2014 06:45 PM
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