August 02, 2013

1078. He grapples with rebellion

He grapples with rebellion

in me today, seeking the mattress

for resolution is, knowledge that work

is escape and uncertainty. It is not friend,

ship raising anchor with burdens in tow, lines

affixed to smaller, stronger tugs, guiding barges

toward deep water, wider

horizon is one horizon ever,

one horizon seen, named until death; do we part?

Are you aboard, sighted man, either guiding this

vessel or leaping down the dock plank to ensure

others are sound in their goals? I grapple with

rebellion again, seeking the mattress, waiting

with resolution, paid to surgeons decades

back. Seeing fantasies as drudgery, un-

clear states of known misery kept for

weight like this, weight that turns

its head, soul, mind, heart into

man-made high inches of

propped comfort, deny-

ing there ever was a

spontaneous song

inside me here.

Posted by nancy at August 2, 2013 11:50 AM
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