April 02, 2013

1041. I spent Easter Sunday

fertilizing the gray matter,
drugging my mind to dull
the organ dwelling just above,
possibly within, my rib cage.

Judas went out and hanged himself.
Peter swore he never knew the Man.

I chose to spend the day at home,
choosing elements that might layer
easier than measured numbers af-
fixed to my person. Soft covered temporal

bedding, the flesh held me through
out Easter Sunday when Christ arose,

walked about, not yet glorified, spoke
to His mother; many dead were raised
and walked about, as well. Who they were
is not for us to know. I lay down and thought

about Christ, about how long these days will
be for which I am accountable to Him, Creator, Judge, Savior.

Posted by nancy at April 2, 2013 12:11 PM
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