October 28, 2010

Fact: 2

I read about this man today: 1943 Nobel Prize winner for Chemistry, George de Hevesy.

Read a little way down the Wikipedia article, and you'll see what this man did to preserve two gold Nobel prizes from being stolen by the Nazis during World War II. He melted the medals into an acid, which he kept on his shelf until after the war. Then he extracted the gold and had the prizes reformed into their original shapes. Amazing!


Posted by nancy at October 28, 2010 04:54 PM
You are welcome, John. Thank you for your comment here. Loving health to you, friend. Nancy Posted by: Nancy Bopp at October 31, 2010 01:24 PM
Nancy, I enjoyed reading some of your thoughts today. They were seed to me, to my writing and thinking, though in ways I hesitate to attempt explaining. I think it may have something to do with the way you display your processes. It is engaging and inviting, even captivating. Thanks for your good writing. Posted by: John Eells at October 30, 2010 10:21 PM
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