May 20, 2009

I could write myself like a string

of ants walks out of a cupboard;

like a string of yarn wound between two hands;

like a string of notes connecting a melody;

like a string of gems around a chain;

like a string of hours in an evening;

like a string of steps on a path;

like a string of bait over water;

like a string of fire to a firecracker.

I could write myself, but why?

when the cupboard provides a picnic,
and the hands provide a partner,
and the melody provides a song,
and the chain may be daisies,
and the evening may be round,
and the path may be dizzy,
and the water may be cool, and still
reflecting, answering the Fire's Why?

Monday, May 18, 2009 at 9:06PM

Posted by nancy at May 20, 2009 11:31 AM
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